Pallet tipper from Chinese manufacturer with good price
[email protected]. The operation of the pallet tipper: Holding the pallet. Turning the pallet 180 degree. Changing the pallet. Strong holder. Economic price. High speed. 工艺描述 一、对于更换托盘后不能颠倒放置的货物: 1. 操作叉车或其它工具将托盘及货物放置到托盘更换机上; 2. 机器夹住货物; 3. 按操作开关将托盘和货物翻转180度; 4. 翻转好后松开夹板; 5. 将旧得托盘更换成需要的托盘; 6. 按按钮再次夹住托盘和货物; 7. 按操作开关将托盘连货物再次一起翻转180度; 8. 松开机器的夹紧装置; 9. 将货物连更换好的托盘一起从该更换机上用叉车叉下来。
Pallet tipper from Chinese manufacturer with good price Read More »