5 common misconceptions about mold upenders

# **5 Common Misconceptions about Mold Upenders**

Mold upenders are one of the most important tools in the plastics industry. They are used to flip over injection molds quickly and safely, so that maintenance and inspection can be easily done. However, many people have misconceptions about mold upenders that can lead to costly mistakes. In this article, we will debunk the top 5 common misconceptions about mold upenders.

## **Table of Contents:**

1. Introduction
2. Misconception 1: Mold Upenders are Expensive
3. Misconception 2: Mold Upenders are Unsafe
4. Misconception 3: Mold Upenders are Only for Large Molds
5. Misconception 4: Mold Upenders are Difficult to Use
6. Misconception 5: Mold Upenders Cause Mold Damage
7. Conclusion
8. FAQs

## **Misconception 1: Mold Upenders are Expensive**

One of the biggest misconceptions about mold upenders is that they are expensive. While it is true that mold upenders are not cheap, they are actually very cost-effective in the long run. Consider the alternative that requires manual flipping of the molds, which takes up additional time and manpower. With the use of mold upenders, molds are flipped over quickly with little or no risk of damage.

## **Misconception 2: Mold Upenders are Unsafe**

Many people believe that mold upenders are unsafe to operate, but this is not true. While it is true that the machinery can be dangerous if not used correctly, mold upenders come with sophisticated safety features such as brakes, clamps, and guards that make them safe to use.

## **Misconception 3: Mold Upenders are Only for Large Molds**

Another common misconception is that mold upenders are only useful for flipping large molds. However, mold upenders come in different sizes, shapes, and loading capacities, making them useful for even the smallest molds.

## **Misconception 4: Mold Upenders are Difficult to Use**

While it is true that mold upenders require training and practice to operate, it is not difficult to use them. Once a user learns the operational requirements, using a mold upender becomes second nature.

## **Misconception 5: Mold Upenders Cause Mold Damage**

Finally, there is a common belief that mold upenders cause damage to the injection mold, but this is not true. When used correctly, mold upenders help to prevent damage. By using the proper safety mechanisms, mold upenders minimise the risk of damage to both the mold and the equipment.

## **Conclusion**

Mold upenders are an indispensable tool in the plastics industry, but there are many misconceptions about them. In reality, mold upenders are cost-effective, safe, versatile, easy to use, and not damaging to the injection molds. Understanding these common misconceptions and learning the truth about mold upenders can help the plastics industry to use these tools more effectively and safely.

## **FAQs**

1. Are mold upenders suitable for small molds?
– Yes, mold upenders come in different sizes, shapes, and loading capacities, making them useful for even the smallest molds.

2. Do mold upenders cause mold damage?
– No, when used correctly, mold upenders help to prevent damage. By using the proper safety mechanisms, mold upenders minimise the risk of damage to both the mold and the equipment.

3. Are mold upenders expensive?
– While it is true that mold upenders are not cheap, they are actually very cost-effective in the long run. Consider the alternative that requires manual flipping of the molds, which takes up additional time and manpower.

4. Are mold upenders difficult to use?
– While it is true that mold upenders require training and practice to operate, it is not difficult to use them. Once a user learns the operational requirements, using a mold upender becomes second nature.

5. How safe are mold upenders to operate?
– Mold upenders come with sophisticated safety features such as brakes, clamps, and guards that make them safe to use. However, it is always crucial to follow proper safety protocols and receive adequate training before operating one.