
Glorious in Holiness: A Powerful Telugu Christian Message by Bro.P. Upender

Glorious in Holiness: A Telugu Christian Message by Bro.P. Upender


In this article, we will explore a powerful Telugu Christian message delivered by Bro.P. Upender, titled “Glorious in Holiness.” With reference to the Upender #TeluguChristianMessages, we will delve into the profound teachings in this message. This article aims to present the content in a reader-friendly manner, breaking it down into digestible paragraphs and utilizing subheadings. Additionally, relevant visuals will be included to support the information presented.

The Importance of Holiness:

Holiness is a vital aspect of the Christian faith. It is a state of being set apart for God’s purposes, driven by a desire to please and honor Him in all aspects of life. Bro.P. Upender emphasizes the significance of holiness in his message, calling believers to recognize their high calling as children of God.

Understanding God’s Holiness:

Bro.P. Upender begins by providing a deeper understanding of God’s holiness. He explains that God is perfect, without any blemish or impurity. The Bible describes Him as “holy, holy, holy” (Isaiah 6:3), emphasizing the magnitude of His holiness. As believers, we are called to reflect His holiness in our lives.

The Call to Holiness:

With a clear understanding of God’s holiness, Bro.P. Upender proceeds to address the call to holiness in the lives of believers. He emphasizes the need for sanctification, which refers to the process of being set apart and purified for God’s purposes. This involves a daily commitment to surrendering our lives to God and allowing His Spirit to transform us from the inside out.

Bro.P. Upender explains that holiness is not merely external actions or adherence to rules and regulations. Instead, it is an inward transformation that affects our thoughts, attitudes, and motivations. He highlights the importance of renewing our minds through the study of God’s Word and cultivating a personal relationship with Him through prayer and worship.

The Power of God’s Grace:

In discussing holiness, Bro.P. Upender emphasizes the crucial role of God’s grace in the life of a believer. He reminds us that God’s grace not only saves us from the penalty of sin but also empowers us to live a holy life. It is through grace that we are able to resist temptation, overcome sin, and walk in righteousness.

Bro.P. Upender encourages believers to rely on God’s grace and not attempt to achieve holiness through their own efforts. He reminds us that holiness is a lifelong journey, made possible by the work of the Holy Spirit within us. Through the power of grace, we can experience victory over sin and live in line with God’s perfect will.

Living Out Holiness:

Having established the importance of holiness and the power of God’s grace, Bro.P. Upender provides practical guidance on living out holiness in our everyday lives. He reminds believers to guard their thoughts, for our actions stem from our minds. By intentionally focusing on uplifting and godly thoughts, we can align our actions with God’s will.

Bro.P. Upender also emphasizes the significance of our relationships and the company we keep. He encourages believers to surround themselves with fellow believers who will challenge and encourage them in their pursuit of holiness. Additionally, he highlights the importance of accountability, where we allow trusted individuals to hold us responsible for our actions and choices.


In this enlightening Telugu Christian message, Bro.P. Upender reminds believers of the paramount importance of holiness in their lives. By understanding God’s holiness, recognizing our call to holiness, and relying on the power of God’s grace, we can live in a manner that is pleasing to Him. Through daily surrender and a commitment to renew our minds, we can reflect God’s holiness in both our actions and relationships.

The teachings shared by Bro.P. Upender in the #TeluguChristianMessages serve as a reminder for believers to continuously pursue holiness and rely on God’s enabling grace. Let us embrace this divine calling to be “Glorious in Holiness” as children of the Most High God.
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