
“IN CHRIST! I Series 12: Built Up! Bro. P. Upender”

In Christ: The Foundation of Forgiveness and Salvation


In the depths of our hearts, we all long for forgiveness and salvation. We desire to be reconciled with our Creator and find eternal peace. Thankfully, this longing can be fulfilled through our union with Christ. The concept of being “in Christ” holds profound implications for our lives, offering us the assurance of forgiveness of our sins, access to the Father, and the salvation of our souls. In this article, we will delve into the transformative power of being in Christ and how it impacts our relationship with God and others.

1. The Meaning of Being “In Christ”:

Being “in Christ” signifies a deep and intimate union with Him. It goes beyond mere acknowledgment or belief in His existence. When we accept Christ as our Savior, we are united with Him in a way that transforms our entire being. This union becomes the foundation for our forgiveness and salvation.

2. The Forgiveness of Our Sins:

Through our identification with Christ, we partake in the forgiveness He offers. The weight of guilt and shame that burdened us is lifted, as He took upon Himself the punishment for our sins. In Christ, our past mistakes and transgressions are washed away, and we are restored to a state of purity before God.

3. Access to the Father:

In Christ, we have direct access to the Father. The barrier of sin that once separated us from God is removed, and we can approach Him with confidence. This newfound access enables us to experience the immeasurable love and grace of our Heavenly Father. We can pour out our hearts before Him, seeking guidance, strength, and comfort in our daily lives.

4. The Salvation of Our Souls:

Salvation is the ultimate goal of every human heart. In Christ, we find the assurance of eternal salvation. Through His sacrifice on the cross, He conquered sin and death, offering us the gift of eternal life. Being in Christ secures our place in God’s eternal kingdom and guarantees our future with Him.

5. Living Out Our Identity in Christ:

Being in Christ not only forgives and saves us, but it also transforms our lives from the inside out. As we grow in our understanding of our identity in Christ, we begin to reflect His character and love to the world around us. We become vessels of His grace, extending forgiveness to others and sharing the good news of salvation with those who are still seeking.


In conclusion, being in Christ is the foundation of our forgiveness and salvation. It offers us the assurance that all our sins are forgiven and cleansed, granting us direct access to the Father. Additionally, being united with Christ secures our place in God’s eternal kingdom. As we embrace our identity in Christ, we are transformed into His likeness, becoming beacons of His love and grace. Let us rejoice in the incredible blessings bestowed upon us through our union with Christ and strive to live out our faith in Him each day.
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